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Biuro baldų sistema Play&Work.Biuro baldų sistema Play&Work.


In a contemporary office people change their work styles smoothly. The proper space arrangement, which gives employees a chance to choose the place where they want to perform their professional duties, can increase their efficiency by up to 60%.

We will design and install your office. The price is calculated according to a specific project, contact us by phone +37065591122 or by mail – info@musonas.lt


Office furniture system Play&Work: nowadays 70% of business interac­tions take place within an office space rather than in meeting zones. The additional seat provided by workbench systems and cabinets with a sitting function creates a perfect place for quick and spontaneous meetings of small teams.

No less than 24% of employee job satisfaction depends on a workplace. The right level of employee job satisfaction has a huge influence on people’s motivation and increases the extent to which they identify with a company. How should you arrange an office space to attract the most talented employees and improve a team’s job commitment? Office furniture system Play&Work is the best choice for those who want to create the working place for their individual needs. The variety of functions and accessories makes this system even more attractive to everyone. 

The right layout of the space, which gives employees the opportunity to choose the place where they want to perform their professional duties, can increase their efficiency by up to 60%. Furniture affects health and wellbeing, both of which ultimately affect productivity and performance too. Back pains, neck strains and other musculoskeletal disorders are a distraction that many businesses can’t afford their employees to have. 


  • Metal panels with accessories.

Play and work office furniture.

  • Upholstered panels.

Play and work office furniture.

  • Functional accessories.

Play and work office furniture.

  • Cable management.

Play and work office furniture.

  • Wireless charger.

Play and work office furniture.

Musonas – Suprojektuokite savo biuro erdvę 🏢 atsižvelgdami… | Facebook

Biuro baldai | Musonas- biuro baldų (stalų, spintų, lentynų) ekspertas

Play and work office furniture.

Play and work office furniture.

Play and work office furniture.

Play and work office furniture.

Play and work office furniture.

Play and work office furniture.Play and work office furniture.

Play and work office furniture.

Play and work office furniture.

Play and work office furniture.

Play and work office furniture.

Play and work office furniture.

Play and work office furniture.

Play and work office furniture.

Play and work office furniture.

Play and work Melamine

Play and work Wood-Metal



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