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Connector for chairs IsoConnector for chairs Iso

Connector for chairs Iso


A metal black connector for connecting two Iso chairs with each other.

MSRP 8(Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price)

Price: 6.00 
Stock: In
Delivery: in 24-48 h.

Connector for chairs Iso is for connecting two or more chairs with each other. It seems a small detail, but it is important for those who equip and maintain large events, concerts or conferences. Connecting the chairs with this connector increases its stability and the rows look neater. Thus, a small detail can help to create the completeness of the entire space. You can order these connectors separately or together with the Iso chairs of your choice. When buying chairs, correctly calculate the joints, since they are not needed for each chair –  two chairs are connected by one connector.

This connector for chairs Iso provides an opportunity to combine chairs into rows, which is especially convenient and useful for conferences, trainings and presentations.

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