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Scandinavian products for your work environment


We all want to live and work in a pleasant and cultured environment. We do not want to feel any extraneous distractions or sounds that would harm the quality of work or productivity.

How to achieve this?

There is more than one way to solve problems with acoustics in the home or office space and not all of them require large investments. It is not necessary to build high walls, ceilings, blindly close the doors so that the work activity of another colleague does not suffer from noise. You should look at it more simply and choose products that will not only decorate the walls of the working environment or the house but also provide additional benefits – improve the acoustics of the room. And it could be done without requiring large costs.

One of such products for improving acoustics is acoustic paintings Print. This is not only a creative way to immortalize moments of the company’s history, selected family photos, images of nature on a sound-permeable canvas. It is also to dwell on the problem of reducing the echo of the room. Scandinavian quality products for acoustics improvement will perfectly serve those who want to enliven the design of their existing or new room. It can be done with selected photos, images, memories offered from your or our gallery. This solution allows you to change the images anytime they get bored or become irrelevant. It is done without changing the entire frame and the construction of the acoustic material. In this way you will easily replace your current picture with another without spending a large budget on it. This is especially true in educational institutions, offices, airports, other public spaces. Wherever not only aesthetics are important but also acoustics.


Acoustic paintings already in their title indicate that these are not simple paintings. They consist of at least 4 cm of acoustic ECOSUND material the color of which you can also choose. It is also the possibility to choose the frame that fastens the canvas with the desired photo. ECOSUND acoustic material is made of recycled fiber and is itself fully recyclable, does not cause allergies, does not mold. This acoustic product is distinguished by the fact that it can be used to implement acoustic solutions not only for walls, but also for the ceiling. When choosing products, you can choose not only the photo.  Also the color of the acoustic material, the type and color of the frame. In this way you can enliven the interior of your walls with a painting of your chosen size.

For those looking for even more opportunities to reduce the echo other acoustic products can also be chosen. One of them can be acoustic wall panels of different shapes. They can also be supplemented with plants. In this way the room becomes a quieter place to work. As well as the place by combining several acoustic products can become a recreation or meeting area. By choosing the acoustic panels we offer you will get the opportunity to combine them not only in color to the existing interior but also to compose them with plants. This provides an opportunity to equip office space even more cozy and supplement it with plants that will not need to be cared for, watered.

What can we offer?

When choosing the acoustic products we offer you will get the opportunity to choose the color of the acoustic fiber. As well as possible tapestries to cover with a printed acoustic canvas. There is the complete freedom to combine several products with each other. As well as to mix their colors, shapes, tapestries into a new or already existing interior. After all it is not the walls that adorn the spaces but we ourselves decorate the walls. The decoration gives not only satisfaction with the created beauty but also each corner brings additional acoustic benefits or at least does not interfere with everyday activities or work, a concert or a lesson.

The variety of acoustic products allows you to improve not only the aesthetic but most importantly acoustic value of any room. After all even ordinary furniture, plants and floor coverings come to the rescue in the presence of an echo. However when there is an opportunity to add greater sound absorbency to the room using the latest technology why not take advantage of it. Undesired noise does not really contribute to the quality and satisfaction of work. On the contrary it makes you want to get out of there as soon as possible, change your location. Think about your employees, customers and listeners. The noise does not sound positive and the desire to call each other does not look presentable either. Invest in the peace of mind of yourself and your employees, customers, listeners. It pays off not only with the productivity of your work but also with the uplifting of your company or institution to a higher level. It is done in the eyes of those who visit your lectures, concerts or other activities.

Musonas.lt | Chairs, managerial chairs, office furniture, tables, armchairs

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