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Akustinė lubų plokštė NivaAkustinė lubų plokštė Niva


Pasirinkite Nivå, jeigu norite ne tik efektyvaus, bet ir modernaus akustinių problemų sprendimo. Laisvai derinkite spalvas ir sukurkite individualų interjerą.

Dėl išsamesnės informacijos teiraukitės telefonu +37065591122 arba elektroniniu paštu info@musonas.lt


Nivå acoustic ceiling panels are acoustic solution that improves acoustics and with its unique shape contributes to the creation of a special visual effect. The panels can be assembled in various ways, and they can also be with or without textiles.

There is a wide selection of colors, so it is very easy to combine colors with the general color palette of the room. It can also be used to improve wall acoustics. Nowadays, acoustic problems can be solved not from the walls, but from the ceiling. Nivå acoustic ceiling panels are not only an effective, but also a playful solution.

It can be implemented both in newly built offices and on already installed ceilings, combining them with acoustic panels. A wide selection of colors allows to fulfill the needs of even the most demanding customer. Different acoustic products can also be combined for the best solution to the acoustic problem. Nivå shaped acoustic panels can also be used on walls.

Choose Nivå if you want not only an effective, but also a modern solution to acoustic problems. Combine colors freely and create an individual interior.

Acoustic solutions | Musonas – office furniture experts since 1991

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