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Akustinė užuolaida PendulaAkustinė užuolaida Pendula


The Pendula system of acoustic walls fixed to the ceiling, which can be in four different shapes: Pixel, Square, Wave or Cloud. Choose the shape you want or combine several different ones and separate spaces in a creative and modern way.

Is it difficult to decide which acoustic solution would suit you best? Contact by phone +37065591122 or e-mail info@musonas.lt


Hanging from the ceiling, Pendula is an acoustic wall in four optional shapes, designed to separate spaces while also solving sound insulation problems. This series is made of EcoSUND acoustic material.

This series destroys the stereotypes that you need to build thick walls to have better sound insulation. After all, acoustic solutions can be light, not overshadowing the interior and modern. Even more, by combining different colors, shapes and materials, acoustic solutions can substantially contribute to the fulfillment of the interior.

Acoustic wall Pendula is an acoustic solution in Pixel, Square, Wave or Cloud shapes. Choose one or combine several walls.

Scandinavian light design acoustic solutions will appeal to those who do not like crowded spaces, want to maintain color integrity, as the color palette is quite wide, and turn their room into a modern space.

In today’s world, when most office spaces are open, acoustic solutions become especially relevant.

We want to help you realize that acoustic products are not a luxury item but a necessity. Good acoustics can contribute to better work performance of employees which determines the overall success of the company. Due to its versatility Pendula acoustic walls are suitable even in small spaces where there would be no room for a normal wall.

The wall hanging height can also be adjusted. And since there are four different options, you can also choose the most suitable option according to the width of the available space.

Acoustic solutions | Musonas – office furniture experts since 1991

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  1. Square:

2. Pixel:

3. Wave:

4. Cloud:

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