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Akustinis sienos paveikslas PrintAkustinis sienos paveikslas Print


The Print line of acoustic wall panels is an innovative solution for spaces that want not only a decorative but also an individual solution to acoustic problems. Is it difficult to decide which acoustic solution would suit you best?

Contact by phone +37065591122 or e-mail by post info@musonas.lt

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Simple solutions are often not enough to meet the needs of a modern office. This is why the Print acoustic wall panel was created. This line allows the customer to improvise and choose not only the shape of the panels, but also the desired photograph or nature image. This type of acoustic panels can be installed in large rooms, bus or train stations, airports or other public places.

Big Print Ecosund by Gotessons – YouTube

Acoustic wall panel Print is an innovative and artistic method of improving acoustics. You can choose your desired photo or choose from our options.

Absorbers with prints not only improves the sound environment. It is also an easy and fun way to visually alter and create a stylish interior design in offices, conference rooms, public spaces and restaurants.

Be inspired and select designs from our image gallery filled with artwork of known artists and photographers listed below or photography artists like Patrik Leonardsson. You can also find your own motifs or illustrations from one of several photo agencies online. If you choose a piece of art, you can take the opportunity to read a biography about the different artists and their paintings.  It is a unique way to get a more personal expression of the room you want to furnish.

  1. Honey Print (Moss, Rust, Cliff, Heaven, Moss):


2. Print with concealed frame:


3. Print with frame:


4. Print with straight cut frame:

5. Big Print:


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