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Akustinis stogelis The Hut RoofAkustinis stogelis The Hut Roof

The Hut Roof

The Hut Roof can be a great solution for those who do not have the opportunity or space to build an entire acoustic hut, but want an efficient and modern acoustic solution.

Standard dimensions of the roof: 1400 x 1300 || 1600 x 1300|| 1800 x 1300|| 2000 x 1300. Thickness 40 mm.

Is it difficult to decide which acoustic solution would suit you best? Contact by phone +37065591122 or e-mail info@musonas.lt


The acoustic roof  The Hut Roof is an ideal solution for those who want to create a work space for several employees.

The Hut Roof can be a great solution for those who do not have the opportunity or space to build an entire acoustic hut, but want an efficient and modern acoustic solution.

The Hut Roof helps provide privacy and provide better sound insulation almost invisibly. When combined with other acoustic solutions, employees are not distracted by extraneous sounds and work more productively. Nowadays, there is no need to build walls to increase sound insulation. We can offer you more than one modern acoustic solution. 

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