  • 25 years
  • The largest selection
    of chairs in Lithuania
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  • Delivery from
    1 business day
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Due to the coronavirus, the work of furniture salons is changing


Taking into account the emergency declared in the country due to the threat of coronavirus and in order to ensure the safety of our customers, employees and their relatives and reduce the possibility of contracting the coronavirus, our company UAB Musonas is taking additional security measures.

  • We recommend that you make all orders remotely through the online store www.musonas.lt or by e-mail info@musonas.lt or by phone +370-655-91122.
  • During the quarantine period, our furniture salons in Vilnius, Kaunas and Panevėžys will not accept customers, stores will not be sold in order to avoid a large gathering of people in one place.
  • We will serve our customers remotely;
  • If you have any questions, it will be possible to contact the employees of our furniture salons by phone or via the Internet;

Due to the threat of coronavirus, we are introducing several changes:

  • We refuse cash transactions. Choose prepaid methods and a secure delivery service to your preferred location;
    Please be informed that CONTACTLESS PARCEL DELIVERY will be carried out.
    From 16.03.2020 (Monday), contactless delivery is started. All parcels are delivered by leaving the parcel at a distance of 2 meters from the Recipient and without direct contact with him.

Delivery process.

The signature of the recipient on the courier scanner is replaced by one of the following methods:

1. The courier with his scanner takes a picture of the Recipient next to the parcel.

2. If the recipient refuses to take a photo, he shall place his identity document next to the parcel sticker. Then the courier with the scanner takes a picture of the parcel with the document.

3. If the recipient refuses to perform the above actions, the courier does not deliver the parcel. The parcel is returned to the sender.

Information. We will inform private recipients of changes in the process the evening before the delivery and the morning of delivery. In addition, we will inform the Recipients of business enterprises.

Restrictions. The courier cannot enter apartments or private houses, except for common areas, i.e. corridors, stairwells, etc. Access to business premises is not restricted

We ensure that orders in the online store will be accepted and executed continuously.

We apologize for the temporary inconvenience. Protect yourself and those around you.

JSC “Musonas”


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