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Green energy consumption – our company’s contribution


Green energy consumption – the use of green energy is increasingly becoming an integral part of life. When we take care of an ergonomic workplace on a daily basis we do not forget that the environment in which we are located is also very important. Today living in a busy rhythm of life we do not always wonder how we can contribute to reducing climate change. Conventional measures often require additional effort or costs. For example the choice of local green energy does not require either a change of habits or additional costs.

Green energy consumption – our company’s contribution to the more sustainable environment

In 2021, we used the electricity of Lithuanian wind turbines, thus reducing greenhouse gases. By using Green Energy, we have played a significant role in the fight against global warming and have reduced by 162 tones of CO². This amount is equivalent to the number of 323 residents who became vegetarians, 231 residents who gave up 1 flight in one year, 5570 planted trees. These figures can indeed have a significant impact on reducing the negative impact on the environment. The use of electricity produced from renewable sources significantly reduces the amount of pollutants in the air.

We feel responsible for our activities. We contribute to the fostering of environmentally friendly business. We believe that our use of green energy and its benefits will serve as an example to others. As well as it will inspire us to join nature and the creation of a common, healthier environment.

Kaip susikurti ergonomišką darbo vietą? (youtube.com)

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